Make or break: Reflections on further education enrolment for refugee and asylum-seeking learners
This briefing presents practitioner-based insights from REUK’s experience of supporting young people from refugee and asylum-seeking backgrounds to enrol in further education in September and October 2024.

Experiences of displaced young people living in England: January to March 2023
REUK, along with the National Institute of Economic and Social Research (NIESR) were commissioned by the Office for National Statistics (ONS) to work on a study that asked displaced young people about their experiences in England.

Sustainable transformative inclusive refugee education (STRIVE)
Sustainable transformative inclusive refugee education (STRIVE) is a partnership between Refugee Education UK and the University of Nottingham that aims to engage the education sector and policymakers to effect systemic change to refugee education policy and implementation in schools.

Education for refugee and asylum-seeking children: Access and equality in England, Scotland and Wales
A commission from Unicef UK to research the scale and impact of the education difficulties facing child refugees and asylum-seekers in the UK and to propose recommendations for decision-makers and service providers.

Research and advocacy
Our Research and Advocacy programme contributes to change by carrying out high quality, rigorous and ethical research into refugee education in the UK and internationally. We conduct research in partnership with young people and use the findings to bring about change in our own programmes and to positively influence refugee education policy and practice in the UK and around the world.