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Education provision in Nottingham

Make or break: Reflections on further education enrolment for refugee and asylum-seeking learners

This briefing presents practitioner-based insights from REUK’s experience of supporting young people from refugee and asylum-seeking backgrounds to enrol in further education in September and October 2024.

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Getting AHEAD

REUK is working with the English and Comparative Literary Studies Department at the University of Warwick to develop a research-led access to Higher Education pilot programme for sanctuary seekers living in the Coventry area. 

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Education provision in Nottingham

Late Arrivals Research

REUK is working with the The Bell Foundation to research education access and provision for refugee and asylum-seeking adolescents who arrive in the UK mid-way through an academic year. 

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Inclusive Secondary Refugee Education in Oxfordshire

Oxfordshire County Council are seeking to deepen their understanding of refugee children’s experiences of inclusive education in secondary schools in their county, particularly those who have arrived from Afghanistan, Hong Kong or Ukraine.

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A Sustainable Place for Inclusive Refugee Education (ASPIRE)

This study focuses on refugee education and pioneers a participatory methodology led by learners with asylum-seeking and refugee backgrounds.

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Experiences of displaced young people living in England: January to March 2023

REUK, along with the National Institute of Economic and Social Research (NIESR) were commissioned by the Office for National Statistics (ONS) to work on a study that asked displaced young people about their experiences in England. 

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Out of Sight, Out of Mind: Research 

Out of Sight, Out of Mind: Research on early childhood education and care for the youngest refugee and asylum-seeking children in England.

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Inclusive and Sustainable Promising Practices in Refugee Education (InSPPiRE)

A learning project that seeks to identify and amplify promising practices from case studies of refugee education initiatives in high-income countries.

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Sustainable transformative inclusive refugee education (STRIVE)

Sustainable transformative inclusive refugee education (STRIVE) is a partnership between Refugee Education UK and the University of Nottingham that aims to engage the education sector and policymakers to effect systemic change to refugee education policy and implementation in schools.

Education provision in Nottingham

Voices of Refugee Youth: The impact of post-primary education in emergencies

A collaboration with UNHCR and Jigsaw Consult, funded by Dubai Cares, to build the global evidence base for secondary and tertiary education for refugees, through a youth-centred participatory approach.

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Finding their Way: The Journey to University for Refugee and Asylum-Seeking Young People in Coventry

Research produced by REUK and the University of Warwick regarding access to Higher Education for refugees.

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The effects of COVID-19 on young refugees' education and wellbeing

Practitioner insights from REUK’s experience supporting 550 refugee and asylum-seeking young people through the COVID-19 pandemic.

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Nationality and borders bill: REUK's report

Nationality and borders bill: REUK's report

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Education transitions for young refugees and asylum seekers in the UK

REUK and Unicef UK's research report and practitioner advice sheets on transitioning through education

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COVID-19 crisis: policy briefing and recommendations

This policy briefing explores the impact of COVID-19 on young refugees’ education and wellbeing in the UK

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EdTech Hub rapid evidence briefings

A research commission from Unicef UK to both examine the barriers to progression to further and higher education for young refugees and asylum seekers in the UK, and to identify potential solutions and good practices.

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REUK and Unicef UK resources: access to education

REUK's research for Unicef UK on access to education to refugee children in England, Scotland and Wales

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UNU-Wider working paper: Afghan refugee youth

REUK's paper on the impact of educational achievement on Afghan refugee youth's integration and wellbeing in the UK

Education provision in Nottingham

Education for refugee and asylum-seeking children: Access and equality in England, Scotland and Wales

A commission from Unicef UK to research the scale and impact of the education difficulties facing child refugees and asylum-seekers in the UK and to propose recommendations for decision-makers and service providers.

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Refugee access to higher education in low-resource environments

REUK and Jigsaw Consult's global landscape review and research study on refugees' access to tertiary study

Education provision in Nottingham

Supporting resettled refugees to access higher education

A commission from Reset Communities and Refugees, the UK's community sponsorship learning hub, to create a research-informed guide to help community sponsorship groups support resettled refugees to reach university.

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After Return: documenting the experiences of young people forcibly removed to Afghanistan

Research, practitioner guidance and policy briefing on former child asylum seekers sent back to Afghanistan on turning 18

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Broken Futures: young Afghan asylum seekers in the UK and on return to Afghanistan

REUK's first research paper into the experiences of young Afghans facing the possibility of forced removal to Kabul

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Education provision in Nottingham

"I just want to study": access to higher education for young refugees and asylum seekers

REUK's first research paper into the barriers faced by young asylum seekers and refugees trying to access university

Research and advocacy

Our Research and Advocacy programme contributes to change by carrying out high quality, rigorous and ethical research into refugee education in the UK and internationally. We conduct research in partnership with young people and use the findings to bring about change in our own programmes and to positively influence refugee education policy and practice in the UK and around the world.

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