REUK and Unicef UK's research report and practitioner advice sheets on transitioning through education
Education transitions for young refugees and asylum seekers in the UK
How to support transitions to FE
Advice sheets for schools
Advice sheet for sixth forms and colleges
How to support transitions to HE
Advice sheet for sixth forms and colleges
Advice sheet for universities
Practitioner advice sheets
Developed with Unicef UK, REUK's set of advice sheets is designed to help practitioners better support refugee and asylum-seeking young people's education. These advice sheets offer practical tips and guidance for individuals and education institutions for overcoming the challenges that young refugees and asylum seekers face during the transition to further education (FE) and higher education (HE).

REUK has developed a further three advice sheets in collaboration with Unbound Philanthropy to support education practitioners in facilitating refugee access to schools and promoting education progression.
REUK's and Unicef's full research report
The advice sheets linked draw on our recent research study with Unicef UK. The full research examines the factors that hinder and support education transitions to further and higher education for young refugees and asylum seekers in the UK. It draws on the experiences of more than 500 refugee and asylum-seeking young people and practitioners from three new data sources: interviews with experts and practioners in England, interviews and focus groups with refugees and asylum-seeking young people, and anonymised data from REUK's education programmes.