We'd love to hear from you!
If you're a young asylum seeker or refugee who's looking for help or wants to talk to us about other ways to get involved in REUK, please get in touch.
Current correspondence address:
Kings House
174 Hammersmith Road
W6 7JP
Contact Details
Twitter: @refugee_EdUK
Instagram: @refugee_EdUK
Facebook: www.facebook.com/refugee.educationUK
LinkedIn: www.linkedin.com/company/refugee-education-UK
If you complete the form, we will use the information you give us to respond to your enquiry. Please refer to our privacy policy for information about how we will use and store your personal data.
How can I get help from REUK?
How can I connect with REUK in other ways?
I am a refugee or asylum seeker not in the UK. Can you help?
We can help you get to college or university, get extra help if you're in a difficult situation and can offer weekly educational mentoring. Click on the menu to find out more.
Have a look at our Get involved page to find out other ways of getting involved in REUK.
Unfortunately, we can only offer advice and guidance to young people who are already in the UK. Click here to find out about other support options for you.