English language requirements
What English Language requirements do I need to go to university?
Many universities require applicants to have a good level of English before they will offer places. They may ask you to have a pass (usually 4 or C) in GCSE English Language, or to sit an alternative English language test and achieve the minimum score required. You should ask the Admissions Team at the university you are applying to for more information about their particular English language requirements.
IELTS (The International English Language Testing System) is the most popular English language test that universities use to determine English levels. However, taking an IELTS test does cost money. You can find information about financial help for IELTS here. You could also apply to some of these organsiations for any costs related to IELTS.
Even if you can achieve the minimum score in an English test, you may decide to wait a year and take further classes to improve your English. You are much more likely to enjoy university when you feel confident with your English.
There are other English language tests that some universities will accept such as Password Skills Test. In some cases, Password are able to offer free English language testing for applicants to certain universities. Please contact Password to see if you are eligible.
Where can I improve my English language in preparation for university?
Are there alternative English language to IELTS?
There are lots of free online courses aimed at helping students improve their English language in preparation for university. Please find a list of some below;
Basic English 1: Elementary - King's College, London
Basic English 2: Pre-Intermediate - King's College, London
Study UK: Prepare to Study and Live in the UK - British Council
Exploring English: Language and Culture - British Council
English Pronunciation in a Global World - Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam
Study Skills for International Students - UEA (University of East Anglia)
Learning English for Academic Purposes: First Steps - The Open University
English for Academic Study - Coventry University
A Beginner's Guide to Writing in English for University Study - University of Reading
Writing in English for University Study - University of Reading
An Intermediate Guide to Writing in English for University Study - University of Reading
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