Need help getting into college or university?
Read our further education FAQs
Read our higher education FAQs
Here are all the answers to your questions about how to get to college and what you can study. Click here to read more.
Information and advice about higher education, including fee categorisation, eligibility for student finance and funding opportunities. Click here to read more.
Sign up to workshops
We offer free helpful workshops and webinars about college and university for young people. Book here.
Book a 1:1 online session with our college support staff for advice about your education. Please contact our advice line at advice@reuk.org to find out more.
"I was supported through college with my scholarship applications, which I wouldn’t be able to do on my own."
- young person supported by REUK's Educational Progression programme

Ask us a question about college or university
If you've got a question about college or university, message us on WhatsApp or email.
Information about scholarships
Click below for information about the two scholarships we offer - one for young people who want to study health or social care courses, and one for postgraduate study.
"I'm Rosy and you can get information and advice from me about HE."
Rosy Cockburn, Higher Education Coordinator
Huw Hides, Further Education Project Coordinator
"I'm Huw and you can get more information and advice from me about FE. I coordinate our FE work in London."
Ehsan Habibi, Further Education Project Coordinator (West Midlands)
"I'm Ehsan and you can get information and advice from me about FE. I coordinate our FE work in the West Midlands."