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Де ми працюємо

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Our appeal has officially concluded, and we want to extend a heartfelt THANK YOU to everyone who supported us throughout the appeal and over the past year. We’re deeply grateful for our amazing community, whose generosity has made our work supporting young refugees possible.
We are pleased to announce that we have raised an incredible £12,076 which will help us to reduce our urgent waiting list of young refugees in need a mentor. This would not have been possible without our caring and dedicated community of supporters who are shifting the momentum for young refugees, helping to create new opportunities and brighter futures.

If you didn’t get a chance to contribute but would still like to help young refugees access and succeed in education, you can make a donation here.

A message from our Chief Executive Catherine Gladwell 

See firsthand how our mentoring programme is making a difference by watching the video below

This Christmas, we are joining together to raise £30,000 to recruit, train and support new volunteer mentors to reduce our waiting list of young refugees in urgent need of help.
  • £7 makes one mentoring session possible
  • £15 provides specialist support to a mentee facing a particular challenge
  • £115 trains up to 15 new mentors
  • £550 enables a young refugee to be mentored for a term
The young refugees we serve never give up, and neither do our educational mentoring team. 
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This Christmas, will you support young refugees?

Week in and week out, over 120 REUK volunteers - from students to retired teachers, to those just looking to get involved helping young refugees - are providing educational mentoring to young refugees in their local communities. This equates to a staggering 4,800 hours given each year of 1:1 support which builds young refugees’ confidence, increases their skills and better equips them to thrive and do well in education. 

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